Welcome to the MIDNIGHT PLUMBERS’ website.
Here you can find the dates of their next concerts, their best photos and videos as well as their contact information.
Midnight Plumbers is a string quartet that arose due to the need of experimenting new sounds with traditional instruments by means of approaching different genres such as jazz, folk or fusion.
Their unique identity stands out from the conventional idea of a string quartet. As a result of the musical experience of each of its members, Midnight Plumbers perform their own compositions and arrangements based on a groove and style, wich are more typical of jazz modern music.

Fran Palazón
Started as a classical musician but wanted to take his sound further so he also studied jazz. Nowadays he has created his own style and is able to take us from funky riffs to a classic jazz essence.
Roc Alemany
He has traditional jazz influence and his improvisations bring us to many different places. He stands out for creating great harmonies that bring freshness to our compositions and performance.

Uri Català
The groove itself. Due to his musicality he is the perfect team guide. Also a versatile musician who is able to take the audience into different moods by combining styles like jazz, funk, soul and flamenco.
Andrés Díez
A sound architect. He is a chameleon on the stage, who brings spiciness to our quartet. His sound can go from refined to aggressive, which gets the audience excited and moved at the same time. His arrangements are incomparable.